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Soul 2 Soul Conversations

When two spirits communicate

A ‘Psychic’, according to Wikipedia, is “a person who claims to have an ability to perceive information hidden from the normal senses through extrasensory perception (ESP), or who is said by others to have such abilities”.

A ‘Spiritual Intuitive’, according to Tanya, is a Psychic who delivers their readings in a spiritual manner. As a ‘Spiritual Intuitive’ who has been providing readings for over twenty years, Tanya receives her gifts of clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, claircognizance, and empathy lovingly, cheerfully, humbly, responsibly and respectfully. The sensitive being shares her gift freely, with love and light, in an effort to assist in the healing, empowerment and enlightenment of the client. For many of her clients, Tanya has become a Life Coach, using her intuitive ability, direct manner of communication, and sense of humor to navigate through the chaos, confusion and unawareness so as to move onward to clarity, resolution, achievement and empowerment.

While spending many years developing a strong, personal bond with God, the gifted Medium strengthened her abilities and discovered her ‘soul purpose’. Her ‘spiritual title’ is Messenger; her ‘soul purpose’ is ‘to assist in the healing of others’. In order to be free to deliver such consciousness to the masses and to assist in a no-holds-barred spiritual and emotional manner, she chose the metaphysical as the vehicle with which to honor that Divine Intention.  Many are extremely pleased that the sensitive, kindhearted soul chose to respond to Divine Influences and are in awe of the consciousness she exhibits in the development of her many types of readings and e-books.

To her clients, Tanya’s psychic readings are more like soul-to-soul conversations for she delves into the core of one’s being to converse with their spirit while enlightening their ego.

“The fear of knowing prevents the power of knowing from working.”