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Essentially Yours…

Jan. 23, 2015

Essentially Yours” is a weekly email in which your confusions, concerns and challenges are addressed. The Divine Intention of this email is to take the personal curiosities of one and supply enlightenment and clarity to all.



“I have been wanting to request the Divine Communication Reading to connect with my dad but I have unresolved issues towards him. I am not in a ‘good place’ in regards to him but I would like to know what he has to say. Should I get one?”

No. You must realize that you are following a curiosity yet aren’t strong enough to handle what may occur. This is evident in the fact that you didn’t just request the reading; you’ve been harboring doubts about it.

If there is a possibility that communication from your father will upset your life – and you have no support group in place – then don’t request it. If I detect unsettling energy when you do request it, I won’t honor your request. Before communicating with a transitioned spirit, it is suggested that you have grieved – at least to some degree – and have acceptance of their transition. This makes the ‘interaction’ comforting and clarifying rather than aggravating and traumatizing.




“I am at a crossroads in my marriage. I had a Relationship Reading and it was spot on. How do I move forward?”

Consciously and confidently. If the Relationship Reading was ‘spot on’, what did you learn about your Self? What did you learn about your spouse? How can you use that information (which we can now call ‘enlightenment’) to resolve issues, heal trauma and grow together?

You have to decide if your marriage is worth the effort – in either case, you have to find your own Self worth the effort and commit to your own healing. Perhaps with open, direct and honest conversation you and your spouse can commit to healing yourselves, resolving personal issues and strengthening the marriage? However, if he is not willing to assist in improving the quality of the union, then you have your answer for you can’t fix the relationship by yourself; your spouse must participate in the endeavor.


If your spouse is open, I offer ‘Intuitive Relationship Counseling’ (for you two as a couple) as well as the ‘Intuitive Guidance (via Telephone or Email)’ and the ‘Power Forward!’ monthly healing service for your individual healing efforts.  Aside from my services, marriage counseling is strongly suggested.




“I missed out on the free readings today.  🙁  I sent in my question and you responded with more instructions on how to pose my question but apparently I didn’t do it right again because I didn’t get a response. I am bummed but respect your process.”

I typically offer the complimentary readings on Friday mornings. I do those as an appreciative gesture to God, in gratitude of His Influence, Love and Support in my life.

If you follow the instructions given, I will respond to your question (if it’s among the eleven that I intend to do). Make sure you read the instructions, I had several questions about ‘The Divine’ when it is clearly noted to not pose such questions. Also, some will pose more than one question. For example: “Should I get my Masters at USC and would moving to Texas be a good idea for me and my family?” Huh? It’s obvious that I am being asked two questions when the instructions specifically state ‘free one-question readings’. Normally, when I see blatant disregard for the instructions, I immediately delete the email. Yesterday I went out of my way to be empowering for future requests.  😉


“During a reading, you said that I was an empath and explained to me what that was. I also looked it up to find some interesting information on it. I know you don’t read (LOL!!!!!!!) yet I would like to know your thoughts on my role in humanity as an empath.”

An Empath is someone who can feel what another is feeling. This experience can be emotional or physical. For me, it’s emotional. I can feel another’s emotional energy and use this Gift to do readings. Some Empaths get physical indications of another’s energetic disturbance. For example, some Empaths will get a headache if they are feeling that another has a headache or a brain tumor. An Empath may suffer severe stomach pains if another is physically sick or extremely nervous.

As an Empath, you will want to find ways to protect yourself from the energies of others. I use gemstones like onyx, obsidian and amber to protect myself. I also have become empowered to recognize when ‘experienced energy’ is not my energy. Case in point: I almost quit a good job because of my empathic ability. A coworker/friend had a meeting with her boss and got so angry that she wanted to quit. Meanwhile, I was feeling good, working, when all of a sudden I got angry and wanted to quit my job. I was done – but didn’t know why. I went home early and thought about what had happened. I then realized that as that energy came out-of-the-blue and could not be rationally justified, it wasn’t mine. Therefore I detached from those feelings and enjoyed my half-day.  🙂

The next day when I told my friend/coworker what had happened, she apologized and said I was picking up on her energy. It seems that around the time I got angry, she had become angry at her superior and stormed out of the meeting. I was going to quit my job because she was mad at her boss! LOL!

You don’t have an assigned ‘role in humanity’ as an Empath; you have a Gift that you can use to help yourself, help others or simply to acknowledge and accept. Some say Empaths are healers; I say you’re a healer if your intention is to heal. As an Empath, you must first acknowledge your level of energetic sensitivity, accept this ‘trait’, and learn how to live with it. Should you decide to use it as a tool in which you assist in the healing of others, so be it. Yet be careful of assuming a role that you aren’t capable of fulfilling.

